Home Remedies for Kidney Stones | Natural Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones: Kidney stones are hard deposits that form in the kidneys and travel through the urinary tract to exit the body. Passing through kidney stones can be very painful, but there are options for developing kidney stones and managing the pain at home.

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Most kidney stones can be treated with pain relievers, fluid therapy, or other medical interventions. There are also steps people can take to reduce their risk of developing kidney stones.

All these remedies do not even require a doctor's prescription or medicine. However, if kidney stones become very painful, it is best to seek medical attention.

This article discusses various ways to prevent or manage kidney stones Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

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Before trying any home remedies for kidney stones, it is essential to consult a doctor, especially when one has an underlying medical condition or takes medications regularly.

While many of these treatments can help relieve symptoms or reduce the risk of future recurrences, kidney stones can cause intense pain. Therefore, it may be best to use home remedies along with more traditional treatments.

Some people may also need surgery to remove or break up the stone and intravenous pain medication.

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Some of the home remedies to reduce the symptoms of kidney stones are discussed in the sections below.

1. Drink Water

Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to treat and prevent kidney stones, as dehydration is one of the major causes.

Most health authorities recommend drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration.

2. Drink Lemon Juice

Lemon contains citrate, which helps break down calcium deposits and slows the development of kidney stones.

A 2019 cross-sectional study found that sugar-free lemon juice was an effective remedy for kidney stones. In addition, lemon juice contains citrate, which reduces the amount of calcium in the urine thus reducing the risk of kidney stones.

It is essential to read the label carefully when buying a juice product. For example, many lemon juice products contain small amounts of pure lemon extract and high amounts of sweeteners, which increase the risk of kidney stones.

Buying pure extracts or buying fresh lemons and squeezing them at home is the easiest way to get unadulterated lemon juice. Good choices include watermelon and orange juice, which contain high levels of citric acid.

A range of lemon juice products are available for purchase online.

3. Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar also contains trace amounts of citric acid that can help dissolve calcium deposits.

A 2019 study of more than 9,000 people found that those who consumed dietary vinegar had a significantly lower risk of kidney stones.

However, more research will be needed to confirm the benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for kidney stones.

Apple cider vinegar and its supplements are available for purchase online.

manage weight

A 2019 study showed that 43.8% of 146 people with recurrent kidney stones were obese or overweight.

Although this does not suggest causation, research indicates that there may be an association between weight and kidney stones. In addition, the study authors believe that metabolic conditions such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure may contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

Managing body weight and adopting a nutritious, balanced diet are essential steps to prevent and treat kidney stones.

4. Avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks

Carbonated, caffeinated, and alcoholic beverages can increase a person's risk of developing kidney stones.

Research from 2020 suggests that drinking caffeine may increase the risk of stones. In addition, drinks and sodas containing natural or artificial sugars can also cause kidney stones.

In addition, foods high in sugar, salt and fat increase the risk of kidney deposits and exacerbate symptoms.

What causes kidney stones?

Common causes of kidney stones are as follows:

Animal protein or food that is high in sodium

A diet lacking in calcium increases the levels of other substances that cause kidney stones.

People with hypercalcuria are more likely to develop kidney stones

Certain medications, such as diuretics and calcium-based antacids

Drinking too little water

Health conditions such as

Inflammatory bowel disease




Kidney disease

Diabetes type 2

Genetic mutation increases risk of kidney stones

Recurrent urinary tract infections

Weight loss surgery

Urinary tract infection

Family history

Diet high in salt or sugar (especially fructose)

That pain, and other symptoms, come from a blockage caused by a kidney stone. And it usually happens when the stone is passing through your ureter, the tube that carries your kidney to your bladder. When the stone causes a blockage, your urine backs up into your kidney and causes swelling and pain.

Whether it's the size of a grain of sand or a quarter, your kidney stone can be painful.

So, can you get rid of kidney stones at home?

While there are home remedies that can help prevent stones, there is no magic potion or home remedy that can dissolve the most commonly seen stones.

Certified nurse practitioner Tiffany Loboda, CNP, talks about ways to prevent kidney stones, how to manage stones at home and when you need to see your doctor.

How to tell if you have kidney stones

Kidney stones are solid, often jagged, or even smooth-shaped, masses or crystals made of minerals and salts that build up in your urinary tract.

Kidney stones can be caused by a number of factors such as dehydration, diet, medical conditions, medications or genetics. There are also many types of stones, such as calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid and struvite. Calcium oxalate is the most common type, making up about 70% of stones.

The most common symptom of kidney stones is pain in your back, abdomen, or side. Other symptoms include:



blood in your urine.

Pain with urination.

unable to urinate.

Need to urinate more often.

Urine smells bad or is cloudy.

Fever or chills.

"These symptoms usually occur when the stone moves out of the kidney." "Stones within the kidney usually do not cause pain. The pain occurs when they begin to move out of the kidney and cause a blockage."

So, if you can't dissolve your kidney stones, what can you do?

Work on prevention, some lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of developing more stones in the future.

drink fluids

The number 1 reason why kidney stones form is that you are not drinking enough fluids.

“Dehydration is a big factor,” adding that staying well hydrated is one of the most important factors for prevention. We always want people to drink plenty of fluids, unless there is a medical reason they are prohibited from doing so."

For adequate stone prevention you should focus on producing about 2.5 to 3 liters of urine a day, which translates to drinking about 80 to 100 ounces per day for the average person.

The Internet is full of information on other fluids that can help with kidney stones, but for the most part, sticking to water is ideal.

But some ingredients show promise, although research is limited:

Apple vinegar.

Dandelion root juice.

Banana stem juice.

"Water is obviously the best thing, but all that matters is fluid.

Eat Citrus

Fruits and vegetables like lemons, limes, tomatoes, melons and oranges are great for keeping your citrate levels high.

Citrus is important because it binds calcium in the urine. Citrus can even dissolve some crystals before they have a chance to turn into stone.

Whether you squeeze a lemon into your water or chop a tomato for your salad, it's a good idea to add these foods to your diet. You can also use a concentrated version of citrus juice. Doctor 11 recommends about 32 ounces of water, about 4 ounces of concentrated juice.

Think of citrus as a shield. "So the more citrus you consume, the stronger your shield will be to protect you from stones."

You can also obtain citrate in other ways such as by drinking crystal light® and a clear colored soda such as Sprite® or Squirt®.

“Those beverages contain a good amount of citrate. Clear sodas do not pose a higher risk for stones like dark sodas,” “Syrups of dark sodas such as Pepsi® and Coke® contain a lot of phosphoric acid, which can cause urine retention. Soda, whatever the type, can contain a lot of sugar, so it's best to use them only in moderation.”

People with conditions such as Crohn's disease or who have had bariatric surgery may have trouble absorbing citrate from diet alone. In these cases, your doctor may prescribe medication to increase citrate levels.

Don't be afraid of calcium

Since the most common stone is calcium oxalate, many people think that avoiding or limiting calcium intake helps prevent kidney stones.

"Calcium is not the enemy of stones," assured the doctor. "Calcium binds to oxalate in the intestine. If you restrict dietary calcium, the oxalates you are consuming will not pass through the digestive tract through stool. They will be absorbed and then passed out in your urine, Which is not what we want."

You should aim for about 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. The goal is not to overeat calcium, only to get the recommended amount.

Foods that are high in oxalate include spinach, beets, rhubarb and nuts. Black tea should be consumed in limited quantity.

Watch your sodium intake

Following a low-sodium diet, about 2,000 to 2,300 milligrams per day, may help prevent kidney stones. Having too much sodium in your diet can lead to kidney stones by increasing the amount of calcium in your urine.

Watch the type of food you eat. Pizza, pasta, bread, bacon, sausage - foods that are processed, preserved, cured, canned or pickled contain high amounts of sodium.

The Doctor Says "We actually get the vast majority of our daily sodium just from the foods we eat. "And unfortunately, a lot of things contain a lot of sodium."

One way to reduce the amount of salt in your diet is to start reading labels and think about serving sizes.

"Pay attention to the serving size on the label, it's something that can trip you up," says the doctor. "If you don't read the serving size, you can look at the label and see 100 milligrams of sodium, but that package may have three or four servings. It's important to pay attention to both. When to see your doctor for your kidney stones

If you think you have kidney stones, it is important to see your doctor. If you are in extreme pain, have uncontrolled nausea or vomiting, have a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.33 Celsius), have difficulty urinating or are passing thick, bright red or clot-filled urine, go to the emergency room.

For non-urgent cases of stones, talking to your doctor or a surgeon who specializes in stone treatment and prevention, such as a urologist or nephrologist, can help get you on the path to treatment and prevention. .

Discussion on prevention often begins with the conduct of a 24-hour urine analysis.

"A 24-hour urine analysis tells us about your risk factors," explains Doctor's "We can determine what might be in the diet that could increase the risk of stones or cause them to form. This really enabled us to come up with a personalized plan for prevention."

It is important to note that people who have had kidney stones are more likely to develop them again.

"If you don't start focusing early on prevention, stones can grow and turn from a very minor problem to a potentially major problem.

Drinking plenty of fluids is an important part of removing kidney stones and preventing new stones from forming. The liquid not only flushes out toxins, but it also helps flush out stones and dirt through your urinary tract.

Although water alone may be enough to make this work, it can be beneficial to mix a few ingredients.

Talk to a doctor before starting any of the home remedies listed below. They can assess whether these strategies are right for you or if they may cause additional unwanted effects.

Be sure to drink an 8-ounce glass of water immediately after drinking any flavored remedy. This can help move content through your system.

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, avoid using either remedy. A doctor can determine whether the juice can cause side effects for you or your baby.

1. Water

When passing a stone, increasing your water intake can help speed up the process. Aim for 12 glasses of water per day instead of the usual 8.

Once the stone is gone, you should continue to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water every day. Dehydration is one of the main risk factors for kidney stones, and the last thing you want is to become more.

Pay attention to the color of your urine. It should be very light, pale yellow. Dark yellow urine is a sign of dehydration.

2. Lemon Juice

You can add freshly squeezed lemon to your water as often as you want. Lemon contains citrate, a chemical that prevents the formation of calcium stones. Citrate can also break down smaller stones, allowing them to pass through more easily.

A significant amount of lemon juice will probably be needed to make a big impact, but a little can help. There are many other health benefits of lemon juice. For example, it helps inhibit the growth of bacteria and provides vitamin C.

3. Basil Juice

Basil is rich in nutrients. This remedy has been used traditionally for digestive and inflammatory disorders.

Basil juice contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, so it can maintain kidney health. But there is little evidence to support this measure.

To try it, make a tea using fresh or dried basil leaves and drink several cups daily. You can also juice fresh basil in a juicer or add it to smoothies.

It is not known whether basil juice is safe to consume in large amounts or over a long period of time. Without more research, the long-term effects remain unclear. Although there is little research on how effective basil is for kidney stones, it does have anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pay attention to the color of your urine. It should be very light, pale yellow. Dark yellow urine is a sign of dehydration.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. Acetic acid helps dissolve kidney stones.

In addition to flushing out the kidneys, apple cider vinegar can help ease the pain caused by stones.

A laboratory study found that apple cider vinegar was effective in helping to reduce the formation of kidney stones. But more studies are needed to see if vinegar has a similar effect on kidney stones inside the human body.

To try this remedy, mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 6 to 8 ounces of drinking water.

You should consume no more than an 8-ounce glass of this mixture per day. You can also sprinkle apple cider vinegar on salads or add it to your favorite salad dressing.

If consumed in excess, apple cider vinegar can cause problems like damage to tooth enamel, acid reflux and sore throat.

People with diabetes should be careful while drinking this mixture. Monitor your blood sugar level carefully throughout the day.

You should not drink this mixture if you are taking certain medications, including insulin or diuretics such as spironolactone (Aldactone).

5. Celery Juice

Celery is used in some traditional medicine to help with kidney stones.

One study found that female participants with kidney stones ate, on average, less celery than female participants without kidney stones.

And a 2019 study in rats found that celery extract helped break down kidney stones.

In addition to flushing out the kidneys, apple cider vinegar can help ease the pain caused by stones.

A laboratory study found that apple cider vinegar was effective in helping to reduce the formation of kidney stones. But more studies are needed to see if vinegar has a similar effect on kidney stones inside the human body.

To try this remedy, mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 6 to 8 ounces of drinking water.

You should consume no more than an 8-ounce glass of this mixture per day. You can also sprinkle apple cider vinegar on salads or add it to your favorite salad dressing.

If consumed in excess, apple cider vinegar can cause problems like damage to tooth enamel, acid reflux and sore throat. People with diabetes should be careful while drinking this mixture. Monitor your blood sugar level carefully throughout the day.

You should not drink this mixture if you are taking certain medications, including insulin or diuretics such as spironolactone (Aldactone).

5. Celery Juice

Celery is used in some traditional medicine to help with kidney stones.

One study found that female participants with kidney stones ate, on average, less celery than female participants without kidney stones. Mix one or more stalks of celery in water and drink its juice.

Like other plant extracts, it is possible for celery to interact with other drugs or treatments, causing unwanted effects. It is always best to check with a doctor before trying new remedies.

6. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has been used for centuries to improve kidney function. This will flush out stones and other toxins from your system. It is loaded with antioxidants, which help keep kidneys healthy and may play a role in preventing kidney stones from developing.

It also lowers the acidity level of your urine. Low acidity levels reduce your risk of kidney stones in the future.

The effect of pomegranate juice on preventing kidney stones needs to be better studied, but based on a 2014 animal study, there may be some benefit to taking pomegranate extract. In studies, it reduced the risk of stones.

It's not clear how much pomegranate juice you can safely drink throughout the day, but one or two servings per day is appropriate for most people.

The American Stroke Association notes that some medications used to lower cholesterol may interact with pomegranate juice. If you're taking any medications, talk to a doctor before trying pomegranate juice.

7. Rajma Broth

Cooked rajma ka shorba is a traditional dish, often used in India. Some people claim that it can improve urinary and kidney health, but there is little evidence to say whether this remedy is effective. To try it, simply strain the liquid from cooked beans and drink it several times a day.

By following some simple natural remedies, you can help soothe the discomfort of kidney stones and speed up the body's natural healing process.

8. Basil Leaves

Basil leaves (Tulsi) are generally good for the overall health of the kidneys. Mix one teaspoon of honey in the juice of one teaspoon of basil leaves and drink it daily in the morning. Chewing two to three basil leaves also provides relief in the pain of kidney stones.

9. Watermelon

Water and potassium content in watrmelon is an essential element for healthy kidneys. Watermelon helps in controlling and maintaining the acid level present in urine. Eating watermelon or drinking its juice daily will help in the natural dissolution of kidney stones.

10. Tomato Juice

Drink a glass of tomato juice with a pinch of salt and pepper every morning. It helps in dissolving mineral salts in the kidney and prevents further stone formation.

11. Rajmaan Soup

Rajma is an effective home remedy for kidney related problems. Remove the seeds from the pods and then boil the pods in pure hot water for an hour. Filter the liquid and leave it until it cools. Drink the liquid several times throughout the day to ease the pain of kidney stones.

12. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is rich in citric acid which helps in breaking down calcium based kidney stones. Drinking two to three glasses of lemon juice daily will increase the amount of urine and the stones will naturally come out through urine.

The treatments listed above are not intended to completely replace medical care. They are meant to ease pain. If you are experiencing severe pain, contact a nephrologist immediately.


Ques 1. What is the fastest way to dissolve a kidney stone?

Ans: you are thinking that does apple cider vinegar dissolves kidney stones, then you are right. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps in reducing the size and breaking down the kidney stones over time. Once the size is considerably reduced, they can easily pass through the urinary tract. This makes it effective to use apple cider vinegar for kidney stones.

Ques 2. How do I get instant relief from kidney stones?

Ans: You can add freshly squeezed lemons to your water as often as you like. Lemons contain citrate, which is a chemical that prevents calcium stones from forming. Citrate can break up stones.

Ques 3. What drinks are good for kidney stones?

Ans: Freshly squeezed lemon in the water adds a refreshing twist that not only makes it easy to stay hydrated, but lemon also contains citric acid which helps to break up kidney stones.

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