How to Remove Pigmentation From Face Permanently at Home

Today you will know how to remove pigmentation from face permanently at home, which we will learn in this article to remove pigmentation with home remedies for pigmentation.
how to remove pigmentation from face permanently at home

How to Remove Pigmentation From Face Permanently at Home: The face looks beautiful only if the face is fair or dark in color. If the complexion of the face is darker and lighter, then the beauty of the face is less. Fine surveys also come on the skin.

In common language it is called freckles or pigmentation. Often women get pigmentation on their face. These pigmentation destroy the innocence that takes on the face and make it unattractive.

Pigmentation: It is a disease mainly occurring on the skin of the face. Due to these, the areas around the cheeks and temple of the face are more affected.  They do not cause any change in the surface of the skin. It is smooth to touch.  Only the color changes. Due to which it is clearly visible on the face.

Read More: Home Remedies for Hyperpigmentation

Why Pigmentation Occur and How to Remove Pigmentation From Face Permanently at Home

The upper layer of the skin is called the epithelium, the pigment-producing cells located in it produce a pigment called melanin. It gets stimulated by the rays of the sun and starts making melanin in large quantities.Which is a protective function done to protect the skin.

The skin gets scorched by the sun only when the pigment cells are in work. Due to imbalance in the function of cells, the skin becomes prone to many problems. Pigmentation are also the result of this imbalance. The pigment cells are nourished by fine tubules.

Long-term use of artificial cosmetics also causes pigmentation, apart from this, some cosmetics like hair dye, bleach, cheap poor quality rouge and foundation etc. are made due to this problem.

Some women do bleach to get rid of pigmentation. Bleaching shows a change in the pigmentation for some. But in reality, due to bleach, the skin becomes more sensitive to the rays of the sun. Due to whose ultraviolet ultra-violet, the pigmentation become deeper. With bleach, it only hides for a few days.

Pigmentation become deeper as they get older and they become more difficult to treat. Therefore, the treatment of pigmentation should be done as soon as possible. If the pigmentation are more old, then they can be treated by some skilled beauty.

It should be done by doctor only. They can be stopped from growing by home remedies. Keep in mind the following important things if you have pigmentation.

How to Precautions

1.  Protect the skin from the sun and if you go out, use a good type of sun cream.

2.  Use cosmetics sparingly. Even if you use them, you should wash your face before sleeping.

3.  Get the blood tested, if the hemoglobin in the blood is low, increase the amount of iron in the food.

4.  Avoid bleaching as bleach makes the skin more sensitive to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

5. If you use hair dye, then a day or two after using the dye, apply henna or egg paste on the hair so that the effect of the chemical can be reduced from the hair.

6. Before sleeping at night, clean the jaa by applying closing milk or cream in cotton.

How To Make And Use How To Remove Pigmentation From Face Permanently at Home

1. To remove pigmentation from the face grind the peel of reetha in water and apply it on the pigmentation. In the second week, grind basil leaves in water and apply it on the pigmentation. In this way the pigmentation will go away in two weeks. The same attraction will come on the face again and it will become aliphatic!

2. Mix one spoon vinegar, one spoon honey and apply it on the pigmentation. Wash off after about 30 minutes. Use it once a day.

3. Mix two spoons of Badam Rogan, two spoons of vinegar or lemon juice and one spoon of glycerin and beat. Massage the face with this for 2-3 minutes before sleeping at night.

4. Apply cream to the skin before sleeping at night and wipe it clean with wet cotton.

5. Grind one almond and mix one spoon honey, one spoon hydrogen peroxide and apply it on the pigmentation and wash it after 30 minutes.  Expected benefits.

6. Mix one spoon lemon juice, one spoon honey and add a little about one spoon of hydrogen peroxide to it. Apply this paste on the face and wash it after 30 minutes.

7. Mix two spoons milk powder, two spoons hydrogen peroxide and apply on the face.

8. Make a paste by mixing three spoons milk powder, half cup cucumber paste, one lemon juice, one spoon soybean or barley flour and keep it in the fridge.  Apply it on the face after daily massage, let it dry, then wash it after rubbing it.  This will remove the pigmentation as well as enhance the complexion.

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